Contact us
Consumer Enquiries
For all consumer enquiries in Ireland, the UK and international territories, please get in touch with Consumer.Relations@candcgroup.ie
Tennent’s and Heverlee: + 44 (0) 845 399 3915
Other C&C UK products: + 44 (0) 0800 5550 0011
Republic of Ireland Brands: +353 (0) 1800 252 042
Head Office
C&C Group Plc
Bulmers House,
Keeper Road, Crumlin,
Dublin 12, D12 K702
Computershare Investor Services (Ireland) Limited,
3100 Lake Drive
Citywest Business Campus
Dublin 24
D24 AK82
Telephone +353 (0)1 696 8443
Find us
C&C Group plc
Investor Relations
Riona Heffernan
Email: Investor.relations@candcgroup.ie
Regulatory Announcements
(including TR-1 notifications)
Mark Chilton
General Counsel and Company Secretary
Bulmers House, Keeper Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12, D12 K702
Email: Company.secretary@candcgroup.ie
Telephone: +353 (0) 1 506 3900
Investors, Analysts & Media
Jonathan Neilan/Paddy Berkery
FTI Consulting
Tel: +353 1 765 0886
Email: CandCGroup@fticonsulting.com