Corporate Governance Documents

C&C Group plc – Code of Conduct

C&C Group plc is a leading, vertically integrated premium drinks company, which manufactures, markets and distributes branded beer, cider, wine, spirits and soft drinks across the UK and Ireland. We are a local business at heart, imbedded in the local communities we serve. This Code sets out the standards that each of us must observe when acting for or on behalf of the Company.

Matters Reserved for the Board

As adopted 5 December 2024

The following schedule, approved by the Board on 5 December 2024, identifies those matters which, unless otherwise determined by the Board, are reserved to the Board. The Board may delegate any specific authorities to committees or individual directors or nominated employees, but such delegation and/or the terms of reference (where applicable) must be approved by the Board.

C&C Group plc

Division of Responsibilities between Chair and Chief Executive adopted 22 July 2020

The UK Corporate Governance Code requires there to be a clear division of responsibilities between the Chair and the Chief Executive set out in writing and agreed by the Board.

The Board recognises that overly prescribing the responsibilities of the Chair and the Chief Executive may reduce their flexibility to act in unforeseen circumstances. Accordingly, although this statement sets out a clear division of responsibilities, it is not intended to provide a definitive list of the individual responsibilities of the Chair or the Chief Executive.

This statement has been adopted by the Board and any amendments to this statement are a Matter Reserved to the Board.

Board Diversity Policy

7 February 2024


Articles of Association

7 July 2022